Op vr 26 jul. 2019 om 13:15 schreef Martin Wynne <mar...@templot.com>:
> The tag is *barrier*=gate.
> A permanently open gate isn't a barrier, so I don't think it should be
> tagged as such. At least not across a way.

In OSM tagging, the definition isn't strongly tied to the literal
English meaning, but rather to how it's used and interpreted. Any
object that is tagged with "access=yes" and "barrier=*" could be said
to be "not a barrier" since access would seem to be permitted for
everyone. But we still use the barrier tag.

I'd also suggest that a "permanently open gate" is still a gate that
someone might close in future (e.g. if they change their access
policy). Also, there's usually a gate-post on each side of the way,
not just one side.

So yes, I tag permanently-open gates on the way itself.


> You could add a separate node to one side of the way, and tag that as a
> gate.
> A gate which is often open, but sometimes closed, is just an ordinary
> gate. Many farm gates are like that. Potatoes this year = leave the gate
> open. They are not likely to escape, and it saves getting down off the
> tractor. Sheep this year = keep the gate closed.
> cheers,
> Martin.
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