I made a first pass of 2 days + welcome/thanks and included some additional
points from comments. Would appreciate it if you could either accept or
reject pull requests rapidly so that they don't stagnate.

If anyone wants to join in then either do your own edits and pull request
(whilst avoiding current changes already in pull requests....you see what I
mean about stagnation now) or by adding issues, preferably one per problem.


On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 4:44 PM Michael Reichert <osm...@michreichert.de>

> Hi,
> those who visited SotM 2018 in Milan might remember the printed booklet
> all visitors get. This year, the booklet will be thicker because it
> contains short descriptions of all sessions. With more content, more
> work needs to be done. I am currently typesetting the booklet and
> looking for help w.r.t. spell checking. It is an opportunity for those
> who want to contribute to the organisation of the conference but cannot
> commit themselves for a longer period.
> The descriptions are provided by the speakers of the talks coming from
> all over the world. Unfortunately – that's no surprise – the spelling
> used in the the descriptions follows different rules.
> I think that good printed material stands out by consistency, i.e. not
> mixing too many fonts, too many colours etc. I am not a native English
> speaker. That's why I would like to ask for support by people who
> think of themselves being good in spelling and punctuation. If you could
> go through the descriptions and all the other texts in the booklet and
> unify them to one spelling and punctuation style, I would appreciate
> that. Because OSM's tag are usually in British English, I prefer the
> booklet to follow British English spelling.
> I don't expect you to change the style of the descriptions. If someone
> uses simple sentences, let them be simple. If someone prefers US
> corporate speak, let it be. The style used by the author brings a
> message what the visitors can expect from the talk.
> If you want to help, either
> - create pull requests on GitHub
>   (https://github.com/osmfoundation/sotm2019-booklet) or
> - download the raw LuaLaTeX files from GitHub, change what needs to be
>   changed and email them to me if you don't know how to use Git.
> You can find nightly builds of the current state of the booklet at
> https://michreichert.de/sotm/booklet19/master.pdf
> Best regards
> Michael
> PS If you haven't bought a ticket yet but plan to visit the conference,
> please sign up soon. We might be booked out this year.
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