Hi all,

The Lothian cycle charity Spokes are planning to update their paper maps
[1] based partially on OSM data. They have asked for new developments in
Midlothian to be updated before the end of October if possible. The main
items requiring mapping are roads and road names, but other details are

I have created a page [2] on the OSM wiki to list areas of new development
that I am aware of, or are partially mapped on OSM. This can be used to
track when they were last surveyed. It can also be used to track other
areas that need mapping.

Any input on this task is gratefully received, even if it is just an email
to tell me of a development site I have missed.

Cheers, Donald

[1] http://www.spokes.org.uk/spokes-maps/
Donald Noble
http://drnoble.co.uk - http://flickr.com/photos/drnoble
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