Hi all

I've been sent a map by a local charity that looks after large swathes of
countryside near Peterborough. It's for their own internal use, showing the
extent of their estate. It's based on an OS map, and comes with flags
indicating Crown copyright thus:

*Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. ©Crown
copyright and database rights 2010. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey
licence number 00006035*

The bit I'm interested in is a red line picking out the boundary of the
charity's territory - I asked if I could put these into OSM. That line was
presumably drawn by the charity, albeit over an OS base. (Tho I suppose
just possibly OS drew the red line under commission, and then I think the
default is that they have the copyright.)

Where do I go with the legal side of things? Is this a complete dead end as
the wiki on copyright suggests? Or, if further enquiries reveal that the
red line is of the charity's own production, can the charity grant me (OSM)
a licence to reproduce the red line (and only the red line) on OSM?

I'm sure these things have been well rehearsed somewhere before, but wiki
on copyright and OS doesn't say where - pointers welcome.

Thanks as ever for any help

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