On 07/09/2019 17:54, Edward Bainton wrote:
I've noticed the changeset data includes the aerial image used (presumably at the moment you hit 'save', if you've referred to several?)

Does this mean I don't need to add a source=aerial_imagery tag before I save a changeset? iD doesn't have it available as default; you have to choose it under 'add field'.

This is a feature of particular editors and I think it was introduced because people were failing to add sources. Of course it can result in a source being indicated that wasn't really used.

In any case, source=aerial_imagery is too vague, one should really be using the actual imagery source.

If it was the only source (i.e. armchair mapping) and is correct, it shouldn't really be necessary to add a source, but if there were other sources (survey and gps are gold standards) they should be included, and if it is wrong, it should be removed.

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