On 29/09/2019 14:03, Jez Nicholson wrote:
Re: my comment about shop=vacant. I may have been convinced to use
disused:shop=travel_agent + name=Thomas Cook.

* travel_agency

  Not sure whether a vacant
shop with no ghost signage would still be a shop=vacant or a
As those two tags have the same meaning, whether there's still a name tag make no difference. (Although as I said, I prefer disused:shop).

I'm not keen on bulk automated closing everything called Thomas Cook
because the world is more complicated than it first seems to be. I favour
visual confirmation.

I consider multiple national/regional media reports of liquidation & mass redundancy as visual

Is there a case for automated addition of OSM Notes or Fixmes to
stores/locations to ask people to check?
My OP asked people to check. No ones come back.


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