Bike riders may like to read about  the latest mess concerning cycle lanes:


On 22/09/2019 15:45, Mike Baggaley wrote:
I would prefer not to see cycleway:lane=mandatory as this suggests that 
cyclists have to use the lane when set. In the UK, the significance of the 
solid white line separating a cycle lane and main carriageway is that motor 
vehicles are not allowed to use the cycle lane, but cyclists can use either the 
cycle lane or main carriageway. I would only want to see mandatory used if 
there is also a separate sign prohibiting cyclists from the road (and I am not 
sure whether any of these exist). I suggest cycleway:lane={exclusive|advisory} 
which are existing tags according to the wiki. Note that UK cycle lanes can 
also be used by pedestrians, so are not strictly exclusive to cyclists.

• Mandatory/Advisory Cycle Lane: OSM has no differentiation between
mandatory (solid white line) and advisory (dashed white line) lane,
probably because this distinction is rare elsewhere in the world. A new tag
cycleway:lane={mandatory|advisory} is proposed as a backwards-compatible
addition that elaborates on cycleway=lane. This would be useful for routing
engines, who could infer a level of commitment to cyclists at each such

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