On 02/10/2019 14:20, Chris Hill wrote:

I would not like to see that happen. OSM maps real objects, postcodes are not real and only apply as a part of an object's address. They apply to buildings (delivery points on buildings really). The postcodes in Codepoint Open are centroids derived from a combination of all the delivery points that share the postcode so are not at all real-world objects.

Points with addr:* tags are commonly in use and accepted, there is no reason why addr:postcode would have to be different. When possible I also prefer tagging addresses on buildings or building:part but there are multiple conventions in use (points, points+interpolation, points on entrances).

If you want to apply postcodes to addresses you can see the map overlay I have produced which you can use in editors as an overlay: https://codepoint.raggedred.net/  I will update it again shortly. You can also derive postcodes from other open data sources such as FHRS data.

Thank you. I've been using your overlays a lot. However, given a choice, I would much more prefer a periodic, maintained import. Much less prone to errors, more up to date and easier to merge with buildings, if needed.


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