The London Borough of Sutton has admin_level=8. Admin_level=10 is for civil 
(not ecclesiastical) parishes, or community councils in Wales and Scotland. The 
GSS code refers to the geometry of the area; if the boundary is modified (by 
law) a new code is assigned. 

On 23 October 2019 16:49:07 CEST, Edward Bainton <> wrote:
>Hi all
>On the forum marczoutendijk gave me an Overpass query to find grit-bins
>He added an admin-level to distinguish the parish of Sutton from the
>The only issue is, there are at least three Suttons at admin_level=10
>it happens, not far from each other).
>They have ref numbers thus: ref:gss=E04001120 (for example)
>Does anyone know what these are? There is a webpage in the wiki here,
>but I
>can't make sense of it.
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