Hi all,

As noted in my recent email we have some news regarding OSM UK meetings.

Prior to setting up the non-profit company these were open to all. It was
in these meetings that we discussed the geographical region (UK, Channel
Islands and Isle of Man).

When the company was finally set up we defaulted to monthly Directors
meetings. On reflection I have no idea why we did this other than copying
the format that OSM Foundation was using. I guess we had hopped that
working groups would establish themselves.

At our last Directors meeting, we discussed this and have decided to make
some changes. Going forward the monthly meetings will be open to everyone.
We agreed that they should have a clear meeting agenda with some method for
members to schedule/ask for time for topics. They should also be no longer
than 1 hour and that we should look into using a communication channel
which allows video / screen-sharing (any ideas?).

Each month we will schedule a main focus topic the first 30 to 40 minutes.
This could be something related to our annual strategy or it could be a
"show and tell" session. The intent is that we start collecting notes (as a
community) in advance of the meeting so that we make best use of the hour.
We are still very small so we want to use these meetings to make quick
decisions. Nobody wants a talking shop.

To get us started we have decided to pick the Microgrants item from our
annual strategy as the main focus topic for December's meeting (Monday 2
December @ 19:30). Adam has some guidelines as a starting point which we
can pop into a collaborative document to start the discussion. Meanwhile if
anyone has any comments or suggestions as to future focus areas and/or
which communication tool we should use, please let us know. Currently we
use a telephone conference facility (WhyPay) which is free for the company
and uses an 03 number (so often included in monthly mobile contracts). I
personally have dialled in to meetings from locations with no wifi or
mobile data so if any new options still allow join by telephone, that would
be much appreciated.

I hope to speak with many of you in December :-)

Best regards,
Talk-GB mailing list

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