On 15/11/2019 18:38, Owen Boswarva wrote:
Hi Steve,

Do you mean this? https://visual.parliament.uk/msoanames

Recently completed, but the House of Commons Library did request suggested names back in January when it was in draft.

The problem with census areas, at any level, is that they don't necessarily coincide with the way that people actually perceive their neighbourhoods. In rural areas, civil parishes tend to be a reasonable proxy for the answer people would give to the question "Where do you live?", but not always. In cities, ward names can be a guide, but often aren't.

From a commercial perspective, this is something that is particularly important in the property market. For example, Zoopla, Rightmove and OnTheMarket have all created a database of named neighbourhoods that can be used in a location search. But they don't agree with each other 100%. And, of course, it isn't open data.

Google also returns a locality name with a reverse geocode search. But that, too, isn't open data (and requires a paid-for API key to query in bulk). In rural areas, it coincides with at least one of the property websites around 80% of the time, but hardly at all in major urban areas.

Royal Mail's dependent and double-dependent locality names in the PAF are, where populated, the most likely to correspond with perceived neighbourhood names (as, indeed, you would expect, as they're derived from historical usage themselves). But that's not open data either, and is also costly to access.

The obvious open data route, of using a proximity search to names already in OSM (or OS OpenNames), turns out not to work very well at all - mainly because simple distance takes no account of physical barriers such as rivers and roads, which often form the boundaries of perceived localities. You need to define your boundaries as well as assigning your names, and very few neighbourhoods and localities are anything near circular.

I'm not aware of any crowdsourced database, although I've often considered trying to create one. But even there, you run up against the problem that people may not agree among themselves as to the name of their locality.


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