At that time, and for many years later, OS maps did not explicitly show rights of way, and always had a disclaimer on them along the lines of "The depiction of a track or path on this map does not imply the existence of a public right of way".


On 30/12/2019 12:02, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

This reminds me of the old First Series maps last published around 1958-ish.

Looking at an area I'm very familiar with: it does not show public rights of way; it merely seems to show paths which are physically present on the ground. Some of these are rights of way, and some are not.

*From:* Martin Wynne <>
*Sent:* 29 December 2019 22:52
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-GB] Which paths are shown on this OS 'Standard' render
On 29/12/2019 22:23, Andy Townsend wrote:

> Looking elsewhere in a couple of areas I'm familiar with, as well as
> missing data, there are plenty of of basic digitisation errors around,
> e.g. gardens seeming to be significantly larger then they should be.
> This is, I guess, only the free version - maybe there's a parallel
> complete version for paying customers?

Hi Andy,

No there isn't - I'm a Premium subscriber.

The "Standard" base map is rubbish as a map in its own right. For
example it has contour lines, but no height indications on them, or even
which direction is uphill. What's the use of that? It is used as a base
map for other coloured overlays in addition to the Street map, such as
the National Park Paths, Cycle Map, Greenspace maps. None of which work
very well.

On mobile devices there is also a low-brightness Night map which is useful.

However, the Aerial, 25K and 50K maps are fine -- and the 3D stuff and
fly-over functions are great.

The main reason for subscribing however, is the ability to view a large
database of routes, create your own custom routes to add to it (or not),
and have an easy URL of your route which you can send to friends.



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