Dear all,

As you may recall, Transport for London (TfL) released as open data a major new cycling infrastructure dataset. Various people within the OSM UK community met TfL in the run-up to its release, and it was well-received.

The OSM wiki has a project page here:

and you can browse the data here:

I'm pleased to say that TfL, through a project with London Cycling Campaign, has allocated resources to enable conversion of the data as well as officer time within TfL to help conflate what is a huge dataset. CycleStreets is working with Richard Fairhurst (, and of course well-known as a long-standing member of the community) to get this conversion work done.

Richard will be doing the bulk of the scripting work, and is working on converting each of the sections of data. This will naturally be published on Github openly, as will the outputted data. This is reasonably complex work given the number of attributes and the data extent. We are keen to ensure the OSM community is able to scrutinise the conversion easily and have input. Richard will post to this list about the work, as it proceeds.

We will be using the previously-discussed conversion table:
and the remaining issues will be mopped up during the work.

The aim of the scripting is to get as much of the data conversion automated as possible, and matching of assets very reliable, so that the conflation (tool yet to be determined) can then be done with a high degree of confidence and as easily as possible.

The conflation itself, using the output of the script, will be started by TfL personnel, with training from Richard/myself about both process and norms and quality expectations of the community. TfL only have a certain amount of time resource for this, so it is hoped the OSM community will also contribute time as we refine and document the process. As noted above, the converted data will be published along the script itself. Every asset also has two images (already publicly available) which will be useful for verification.

Richard and I hope this news will be well-received within the OSM community - this is a great opportunity to enhance OSM data in London. For instance, cycle parking coverage and detail can be considerably enhanced as a result of this data.

If you have feedback for TfL on the CID outside of this conflation task then they can be contacted via

Martin,                     **  CycleStreets - For Cyclists, By Cyclists
Developer, CycleStreets     **

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