I'm still a bit confused about this, because the circle rendered
around Rockall on OpenStreetMap is the 12nm limit of territorial
waters, not the 200nm EEZ. We don't render the EEZ on OpenStreetMap,
but as you point out, it is not in dispute that Rockall does not
extend the UK's EEZ. So I'm a bit confused why we're talking about the
EEZ at all here.

If you want to see a map of EEZ claims, I believe this is the best
one: https://www.marineregions.org/eezmapper.php


On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 at 22:14, barry b <bpb10...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks, I made the below changes to rockall.
> The changes i've made are
> 1) Changed Rockall from Island to Rock
> 2) Removed the Administration boundary
> 1) Rockall is not a island.  You could debate its a rock or islet but it cant 
> sustain human life.
> References:
> 1) Wikipedia calls it a islet
> 2 https://www.kildarestreet.com/wrans/?id=2011-03-24.365.0 Irish Government 
> call it a rock
> 3)https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/97923/response/262438/attach/html/3/0109%2012.pdf.html
>  - Uk Government call it a islet
> 4) The hint is in its name
> 2) The reason for removing the administration boundary is i wanted to remove 
> the EEZ around rockall.( The big circle)
> From a visual point of view this looks off. it implies there is an island or 
> county there. But more importantly it is incorrect
> Firstly even according the the UK. The EEZ wouldn't be 200nm, it would be 12 
> - 
> https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/97923/response/262438/attach/html/3/0109%2012.pdf.html
> Secondly. No country accepts the EEZ and is considered international waters.
> Several countries claim it Iceland, Denmark , UK and Ireland.
> In the coming months this rock in the middle of nowhere could potentially 
> turn into a larger issue with the UK exit from the EU as Iceland, Ireland and 
> other EU country all fish here
> Last summer there was a standoff with the UK Navy and fishing boats. The 
> Irish Navy have also regularly patrol the area in protection of fishery
> I can give a list of references to show the EEZ recognized, but i don't think 
> that helpful
> I don't know the exact procedure here. I feel i didn't do it right.
> Happy to discuss further.
> Cheers
> Barry
> ________________________________
> From: Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl>
> Sent: Monday 15 June 2020 21:39
> To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org <talk-gb@openstreetmap.org>
> Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Rockall
> I just pointed the user concerned to the signup page to this mailing list, so 
> he should be here soon! Further to my earlier message I will not make any 
> changes to Rockall until we have had the discussion.
> Colin
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