Colin wrote:

> Thanks for your message. I would like to challenge one point - your assertion 
> that the Regions 
> at admin_level=5 are in "widespread popular use". It is true that many people 
> talk about 
> geographical regions like "the South-East" or "the North-West". But these are 
> ill-defined 
> vernacular phrases and do not refer to the sharply-defined regions that are 
> only occasionally 
> used in governmental areas. If you asked people "is Essex in the South-East" 
> I expect 99% would 
> say "yes"

I must be in that 1% being an Essex resident who lives in the East of England 
(and gets "Look East" as the local news). 

Admin level 5 is the NUTS 1 regions which as far as I know we are still using 
to keep statistics from one year to the next even though we have now left the 
EU. As such it is a meaningful admin level as much as say UPRNs on properties, 
or references on A roads, or fhrs ids. 

There is some argument I suppose for changing from boundary=administrative 
admin_level=5 to boundary=statistical and something to indicate NUTS 1 though 
(type will have already been used for type=boundary).


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