On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 05:42:34PM +0000, Mark Goodge wrote:
> On 07/12/2020 17:34, Ken Kilfedder wrote:
> > That's the name in latin for the UK, I think.   Is it under name:la,
> > and do you have your browser set to latin for some reason?
> No, my browser is set to English. But it does have Latin as one of several
> alternate languages. Odd that Nominatim seems to be using that rather than
> the browser's preferred language. Maybe it's parsing the language string
> back to front.

Nominatim is missing name:en in its internal list, so name:la is
the next best it finds. Something is wrong with taking over the names
from the OSM country boundaries. I'll have a look.


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