On 12/12/2020 13:15, Andy Townsend wrote:

Ultimately, if "something needs doing", "someone" will need to do it. Perhaps that someone is you?

Hi Andy,

Yes that someone could be me. I have a server (located in Columbus, Ohio) on which I am using only a fraction of the available memory space and bandwidth. I have been thinking of making better use of it, possibly by hosting something from OSM.

>  I'd suggest setting up a copy of the
> standard map rendering as per https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/
> (just for Worcestershire would be fine) and start tinkering with the
> logic that decides what sort of service road is what, such as
> https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/blob/b10aef3866bacf387581b8fea4eec265010b0d14/project.mml#L475

Thanks. I have been looking at https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/ but I have a lot to learn. I can do Windows programming, but on stuff for the web I'm only a dabbler. I looked at Mapnik and saw interfaces only for Python and C. If that had been Pascal, I would have dived in by now.

I will have another look and see where I might start. The idea of creating my own map does appeal to me.

Getting back to this case, this is the farm drive. Beyond the cattle-grid the public bridleway continues left through the farm buildings, and the surface deteriorates to the usual farm mud:


It seems daft to me that the mud gets rendered but not the hardcore. If I change the "driveway" to "track" that would be the dreaded tagging for the renderer would it not? Generally in this part of the world "track" means mud, rather than a roadway suitable for all vehicles.

This is where the farm drive leaves the road - this is definitely more than a "track" - note the double gates:




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