On a bridleway near me, to cross the same fence line, there's a horse stile that's also a gate (was tagged gate, I've changed to horse_stile as the gate is locked and of interest mainly to the landowner). I've seen these called stepover gates; they're to keep out motorbikes. Next to it is a basic pinch stile formed from the gatepost and another post, finally a kissing gate.

There's a truly awful photo at https://imgur.com/a/kpAKxIB.

What I've done is to create nodes for the pinch stile and kissing gate, and connect those with paths (access=foot) to the bridleway.  Spacing is estimated as it all fits within the GPS error I had.  But I'm not sure.  It's https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/95898653


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