On Fri, 18 Dec 2020 at 18:05, Sean Blanchflower <smb1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In case anyone's interested I set myself the lockdown project of ensuring all 
> the active Anglican churches in England are mapped consistently in OSM, and 
> have gotten as far as I realistically can for the moment.
> The net result is that of the 15649 active Anglican churches that I know of 
> in England, all of them are now in OSM mapped as ways with 
> building=church;amenity=place_of_worship;religion=christian;denomination=anglican;name=XX
> other than...

Good stuff!

On a slightly related note, I've recently done a bit of an upgrade to
my "Nameless" tool. This flags objects that don't have a name=* tag
when you'd usually expect them too. There's now a page for each tag
combination with a map and list of the nameless objects. The
top-ranked tag combination is amenity=place_of_worship, with around
4,000 instances:
https://osm.mathmos.net/nameless/amenity/place_of_worship . I think a
lot of them may have been armchair-mapped from possibly out of date
maps. So if anyone is at a loose end and fancies trying to work out if
the places of worship listed there are still in use and if so what
their name is, please have a look.


Robert Whittaker

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