Kada sam vidio ovaj mail bacio sam se na posao, pa samo par točaka
koje su još ostale crvene kod nas obrisao, no ostao je još jedan most
koji je dio relacije pa ga nisam mjenjao jer nisam previše radio s

Nakon toga sam pogledao po svim našim susjednim zemljama pa poslao
mailove jedno 50-ak ljudi i zamolio ih da prihvate novu OSM licencu,
većina ih je undecided i u biti nisu se logirali na OSM mjesecima pa
zato nisu ni pratili što se događa oko nove licence.

Nadam se da će uskoro prihvatiti i da će nestati većina crvenih
točaka, ako se ne varam za koji dan ide brisanje svih koji nisu

Janjko možeš li pogledati taj nesretni most:

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 7:58 AM,  <goranrac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sent via BlackBerry from Vodafone
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>
> Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 21:46:43
> To: <t...@openstreetmap.org>; <d...@openstreetmap.org>; 
> <annou...@openstreetmap.org>
> Subject: [Announce] Licence redaction ready to begin
> Hello all,
> I'm pleased to announce that the licence change bot is ready to get
> underway.
> Starting this week, we will be 'redacting' the contributions (less than
> 1%) from the live database that are not compatible with the new
> Contributor Terms and Open Database Licence (ODbL) - in other words,
> they will no longer be accessible. We are expecting to begin on
> _Wednesday_ (9th July) assuming a couple of final setup details are
> completed by then.
> The bot will run in the following order:
>      1. Ireland
>      2. UK
>      3. Western Europe
>      4. North America
>      5. Australia
>      6. rest of the world
> Once it is complete, we will be ready to distribute data under the ODbL
> and we'll advise of that with a separate announcement. The final
> pre-redaction dataset available under CC-BY-SA has now been generated at
> http://planet.openstreetmap.org/planet-120704.osm.bz2 . Where data has
> been redacted, any attempt to access it from the API or the site's
> 'browse' pages will return a response to that effect.
> Test runs have shown that the bot is functioning as we want it to, but
> we will of course be monitoring its progress. We are currently expecting
> it to take in the order of one month to complete; given the many
> variables I'm afraid we can't give a more precise steer yet, but we'll
> aim to keep everyone updated as it runs (via the announce@ and talk@ lists).
> There will be _no_ API outage and no other interruption to editing. When
> the bot is running in your area, please do save your edits frequently to
> minimise the likelihood of conflict.
> (Separate messages are going to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ as the first two
> areas to be affected. Please do forward and translate this for your
> local mailing lists.)
> As you know we were expecting this to start just after 1st April and the
> complexity of the task incurred the delay. Thank you all very much for
> your patience in waiting for it to get underway. Thank you especially to
> those who have contributed to the code, whether by patches, suggestions
> or just helping to firm up the workings.
> Richard
> for the OSMF board
> _______________________________________________
> Announce mailing list
> annou...@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/announce
> _______________________________________________
> Talk-hr mailing list
> Talk-hr@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-hr

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