Will Normally, you should use these three main Taggs in the case of a
place that
sells treated water:
amenity = drinking_water
fee = yes
operator: type = private
And you already know you have to add name and source for this place. For
these two, we use:
name = .........
source = ........

Good work!!

Normalement Will, on doit utiliser ces trois principaux taggs dans le cas
d´une place où on vend de l´eau traitée:

Et puis tu savais déjà que tu dois ajouter son nom s´il y en a bien sure et
la source. Pour ces deux, on utilise:

Bon travail !!!!!

2013/7/22 Will Skora <willsk...@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone,
> I was wondering what tag would be used for a place that fiters and sells
> the filtered water. For example, I am thinking of the place in Limonade
> where we filled the water bottles each day for the CAP103 project.
> I found the place on osm,
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/2289512490
> tagged man_made=water_works and wasn't sure if that was the most
> appropriate tag. What's the common practice for tagging these places in
> Haiti ?
> If there's an established tagging practice for these places, I'll edit the
> wiki page for it.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dwater_works . The wiki
> page, vaguely described and is likely written by a non-native English
> speaker. I intrepret the current description on there that
> man_made=water_works is a place where unprocessed water (From a river,
> spring, lake, etc) is filtered and any minerals/ or flouride is added and
> it is later then distributed through pipes to the public.
> Salut,
> Je voudrais savoir quel tag on utilise pour une place ou d'eau est filtrée
> et est vendu. vende/ Par exemple,
> le place ou l'equipe CAP103 les bouteilles d'eau chaque matin en Limonade.
> J'ai trouve le neoud, http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/2289512490
> qui est tagge avec man_made=water_works mais il me resemble peut-etre qu'il
> y a une autre tag approprié, mais je ne sais laquelle. Il me resemble que
> man_made=water_works était une place ou d'eau est filtrée and distribue par
> tuyaux a tous.
> Je voudrais vous remercier ton réponses.
> Regards,
> 'Chill' Will Skora
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