Hi British Isles,

I have just switched the default OpenStreetMap.org “Mapnik style” map
tiles for tile.openstreetmap.org for the British Isles across to our
new rendering server.

The new rendering server has been tested and is now ready for
production. We’re migrating traffic over region-by-region and the
British Isles is one of the first regions to go live.

In addition to new hardware, the rendering server also uses the new
“openstreetmap-carto” stylesheets. These are a complete re-write of
the XML stylesheets to use CartoCSS, making them easier for our
cartographers to work with.

Andy Allan’s (gravitystorm) great talk at State of the Map US
described the reason for the stylesheet re-write:
Andy will have a follow up talk @ State of the Map 2013 in Birmingham:
* http://2013.stateofthemap.org/info/programme/

The map tiles will be slightly slower at medium-high zooms while the
server builds up its cache. The style is designed to look the same as
the current XML stylesheet.

The “openstreetmap-carto” stylesheet is maintained here:

Big Thank you to #osm-dev for helping draft this announcement.

Kind regards
 Grant Slater
 Part of the OSM Sysadmin Team

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