Hi Colm,

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 10:47:51PM +0000, Colm Moore wrote:
> I'm not an editor, so I would be grateful if someone could make the following 
> corrections.
> The road marked Drummond Otra R135 here: 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/53.9694/-6.7140 appears to actually be 
> Oriel Road: 
> https://maps.google.ie/maps?q=Carrickmacross&hl=en&ll=53.969883,-6.703822&spn=0.001309,0.003819&sll=53.992634,-6.727495&sspn=0.02094,0.061111&oq=Carrickmacross&dirflg=w&hnear=Carrickmacross,+County+Monaghan&t=m&z=18&layer=c&cbll=53.969824,-6.70399&panoid=Vs-QTpKrA2B--3p3M4_ogQ&cbp=12,224.73,,1,3.94

The history of the road in OSM shows that, up to a year ago, it was
called Oriel Road and was renamed. The townland name "Drummond Otra" is
used in various places (including the Regional Routes SI) which may be
the source of the confusion.

I've changed the name back.

> It seems likely that it is the R927, but the entry in the Roads Act
> 1993 (Classification of Regional Roads) Order 2012:
> http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/2012/en/si/0054.html appears confused.
> "Convent Lands Road" is, presumably, actually "Oriel Road". Google
> maps has "Convent Lands" at Bothar Eanna. "Moyheross" is spelled
> "Magheross" by the Ordnance Survey. This would appears to be the
> extent of the R927:
> https://maps.google.ie/maps?saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=53.9690969,-6.7110419+to:53.9675068,-6.7144707+to:Castleblaney+Road&hl=en&ll=53.974616,-6.710672&spn=0.027916,0.061111&sll=53.982743,-6.715114&sspn=0.005236,0.015278&geocode=FTaENwMdObaZ_w%3BFciANwMd_5iZ_ykr1H5IMbJgSDH9s5RNX7CjrQ%3BFZJ6NwMdmouZ_ylJmLJFN7JgSDEjnvznIaL-XQ%3BFUe2NwMdCoKZ_w&dirflg=w&mra=dme&mrsp=3&sz=16&via=1,2&t=m&z=14

That looks like the only possibility. I've updated the ref on Oriel

> The R135 is the former N3: http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/2012/en/si/0054.html

Yes, that shouldn't be anywhere near here.

Take a look at the map (you may need to force a reload to update the map
tiles) and let me know.



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