Hi Colm,

I'd say even 90% of proper names is good enough to be used on OSM. At
least during importing we have a document to reference (being that PDF
or CSV, doesn't really matter), and if anything, we can reference that
in the edit itself as well.

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Colm Moore <colmmoor...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I agree that there are some particular problems with Dublin street names.
> This document:   www.dublincity.ie/SiteCollectionDocuments/Sráidainmneacha 
> Bhaile Atha Cliath.pdf  lists Nassau Street = Sráid Nassau. The street sign 
> lists Nassau Street = Sráid Thobair Phádraig. It is down to over-zealous 
> linguistic nationalism: 
> http://www.historyireland.com/volume-13/dublins-street-names/
> Years ago, I spoke to one of the council officials who deals with street
>  names and his opinion was the document could be considered 95% correct.
>  My experience since then would lead me to think 90% would be the
> number. I'm not sure that the PDF matches the CSV.
> Colm
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