On 03/06/2015, Rory McCann <r...@technomancy.org> wrote:
> I hope ye are all having fun mapping all those townlands! We've just
> crossed the 50% barrier, and are almost at 30,000.

Impressive progress, keep it up :)

> A new thing you can do with the old maps is map lake names! Overpass
> Turbo can help with this.
> If you go to this Overpass page http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/9Jw and
> zoom to an area and press "run", it will show you all unnamed lakes.
> Then "Export", then "JOSM". It'll have opened up those unnamed lakes
> in your JOSM. Use the GSGS maps to add the name (and "water=lake" as
> appropriate). You don't need to download any extra data. Upload when done!

I've played this game in Mayo tonight, although I altered the query to
select even named lakes so that I could add the water=* tag. While at
it, there's a lot of lakes created with scanaerial that can do with
manual fixing.

> I use JOSM's filter feature (
> https://www.mapbox.com/blog/2012-08-15-using-filters-josm/ ), with the
> query "name=* and water=*" to hide lakes that I've already named.

I prefer to use the josm "todo" plugin, because it pans, zooms, and
selects for you with just one click :
1) Use JOSM search (I just searched for "type:relation" because that's
what I limited my overpass query to)
2) Click "add" in the todo side-panel to populate the todo list
3) Click "zoom" for the first item
4) Edit the object
5) Click "mark"
6) Repeat.steps 4-5 until done or bored.

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