Hi Rob,

I've been thinking about this recently as I'm putting together a proposed
Constitution for OpenStreetMap Ireland at the moment and will be sending it
out for feedback shortly. One piece of feedback was that the issue of
coverage should be called out in a mission statement or some other formal

If we are doing this, and you are in the process of setting up OSM UK, then
I think we should be smart in how we do it so that its simple in practice,
workable and fair for all parties. You also have several regional groups so
I'm assuming this will come up anyway in relation to Mappa Mercia, OSM
Scotland etc. What I'm thinking is something along the lines of the

- In terms of membership, leave it to the individual themselves to decide
which to join, OSM Ireland or OSM UK.

- In terms of logistics, data, resources, everything we have at the moment
covers both North & South equally so it makes sense to stay as is. If OSM
UK chose to supply additional resources we can always link to those and
vice versa without restriction.

- In terms of representation, when it comes to looking for data from govt.
bodies, again I would keep it simple. For formal (in person, snail mail)
representations, if the body is based in NI, it falls to OSM Ireland, if
the body is based elsewhere it falls to OSM UK. For informal (email, phone)
its open to either entity, but it would be a good idea to for us to contact
you in advance (and vice versa) to see if you have already been down the
same road before.

Those would cover 99.9% of things that might crop up. For the 0.1%, add a
statement that anything else can be sorted as they arise, between rep's for
each entity and in the event of no agreement, escalate to the OSMF for a
final decision (though I can't ever see that being required).

Let me know what you think and if you have had this come up in relation to
the other smaller groups within the UK so far.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Rory McCann <r...@technomancy.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Rob,
> Thanks for your email. Yes, we're looking into setting up OSMIE, but
> I'm not sure how far along that is at this stage.
> On 02/08/15 13:55, Rob Nickerson wrote:
> > Personally I see no problem in going UK and those in NI can then
> > join either group (or better still, both). This would work the same
> > as if a OSM-Scotland group was formalised - those members can then
> > be part of both the OSM-Scotland and OSM-UK/GB group.
> >
> > That's just my view. What is important to me is that I hear your
> > views on this.
> That's basically the decision we came to here on talk-ie. You can see
> some of the discussion here (
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ie/2014-November/000772.html
> ). It makes a lot of sense for some of the things we're doing that
> might require talking to outside bodies, such as requesting old maps
> for mapping townlands.
> Likewise, I think we're of the view that you can have overlapping
> "areas" and people can join which ones they want.
> > Whatever we end up doing I think it would be great if we could
> > work together on this. We both are going to need to set up a
> > constitution and then once established we can share work and even
> > do joint events.
> Definitely! Best of luck!
> Rory
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