Hi again Brian,

On re-reading your question I see it wasn't so much a question on how
to divide terraces for interest of including returns, so much as how
to deal with dividing terraces where somebody else has already
included extra returns.

So my guide may not have much use for this question, apologies.
Hopefully the tips are useful to anyone else who wants to improve
building accuracy.

To re-answer your question, perhaps emphasising that those including
returns etc. take the time to correctly divide buildings at the time
as it's easier to do so then than after. I know this isn't the most
practical of answers but would be a good approach to follow in the

Also apologies this isn't following the original thread on the
archive. I've only got the digest version and can't see an option to
reply to the original message other than manually placing it in the
subject line (which didn't work for the archive it seems)


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