Hi Dave
Yes please I would like to be there.

On 5 August 2016 at 00:58, Dave Corley <davecor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I wanted to let you know about an event that is happening on Aug 13th in
> Dublin in the Lesotho Embassy [1].
> The ambassador has kindly provided the facility for up to 16 people to come
> from 10am to 4pm to take part in some mapping for #MapLesotho. You do not
> need to have any particular skill level to take part, help will be provided
> on the day if any questions or queries come up.
> During the day there will be lunch (pizza) provided along with some light
> refreshments.
> We're also going to try do something a little special that day to mark the
> OSM anniversary. We're going to try some live hangouts with
> - Maptime Copenhagen
> - Portmarnock Secondary School kids who will be in the Philippines
> - and last but not least, local mappers in Lesotho
> This should allow for a bit of fun and hopefully, interesting
> conversations.
> As the event will be finishing up early enough at 4pm, we'll likely go for
> a bite or a drink afterwards.
> If this is of interest, please get in touch. As mentioned, space is limited
> to 16 so it will have to be first come, first served.
> Hope to see some familiar faces there,
> Dave (DaCor)
> 1 - http://osm.org/go/es~R7ealk?m=
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