Thats fantastic - thanks for working on this.

I have a viewer of OS and OSNI boundary data here:


On 7 December 2016 at 09:05, Rory McCann <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Dave!
> Some great work there!
> On 07/12/16 03:33, Dave Corley wrote:
> > I've received clarification that while the CC-BY 4.0 license is
> > not suitable for merging with OSM
> Not quite. The problem is that CC-BY 4.0 on it's own is vague and may
> or may not be suitable for OSM.
> It's the "attribution" requirement. Section 3(a)(1)(A) of the CC-BY
> 4.0 licence[1] covers that and says that you need to attribute them
> "in any reasonable manner requested by the Licensor". So the Licensor
> is allowed pick how you attribute them.
> If someone were to say "You have to put my/our name on every map you
> make based on that" that would be a problem for OSM. (a) It's wildly
> impractical because there's be thousands of them on every little map
> and (b) the OSM licence doesn't/can't require that users-of-OSM have
> to do that, so it's not even something "we" can require.
> If someone were to say "Yeah, the OSM Contributors wikipage[2] is
> totally fine for the BY requirement!" then we'd be all set for OSM usage!
> In a way, just saying "It's CC-BY!" isn't really open data, since it
> leaves some important conditions unset. However most users of CC data
> (e.g. films, art) don't have this problem.
> However, I think we're golden, because the licence page[3]
> says if using data from many people you can link to a page which lists
> the attribution. OSM has ~1 million contributiors (so
> that's the "multiple sources" covered), and you have to link to the
> OSM copyright page[4] which links to the OSM Contributors page[2].
> So according to the, and OSM licence, we can import
> CC-BY 4.0 stuff into OSM! \o/
> Now if OSM were to change it's licence again, we might be in problem.
> But no-one wants to go through that again. But that hasn't stopped
> anyone before.
> So.... thanks Dave, but looks like it was all OK from the start. Ah
> well, at least they know about us.
> > the granting of explicit permission to use CC-BY 4.0 datasets by
> > the relevant owner is allowed.
> In theory, this is true of any closed dataset. Anyone can say "100%
> closed copyright, all rights reserved, except OSM, yous can trace".
> Just like the Bing aerial imagery.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
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