Hey guys,

I am also (currently) based in Cork and would love to get more involved in
the community.

I am currently only a user of OSM but with some direction and guidance I
would like to get more involved as a contributor.

Would it be possible to set up a webinar? Perhaps this could become a more
regular thing if it hasn't been tried before?

I'd love to hear some discussion about the SOTM, issues, advice, gaps, how
to best spend time & maybe even provide some feedback. I think addressing
is something that should try and become standardised. I raised the issue
before about "Galway" vs "Co. Galway" vs "County Galway" or "Cork" as a
City or a County key etc. Maybe it is easier for Postgres + Postgis wizards
but in my experience working with key-value pairs from OSM is not very
convenient for those of us using MySQL.

For example, shameless self-plug here but if anyone is looking for a quick
sample of Irish (or global) OSM addresses, there are over 1103 (and
counting) reverse geocoded value addresses available from Ireland for Free,
at a single click and to re-use for any purpose + data on 120 litter types
@ https://openlittermap.com/maps/Ireland/ - Log in and the download option
will become available. Data was taken from the most recent OSM version at
the created_at timestamp. If anyone thinks this is useful, or could be more
useful if I also included the keys too, let me know and I can make that
happen. And feel welcome to run your own spatial analysis of litter
relative to OSM layers eg shops, bus stations etc. If anyone makes some maps
<https://openlittermap.com/maps/Ireland/County%20Cork/Cork/map> with this
data (please do) I would love to see them. And feel welcome to submit as
much data as you like to reveal, communicate and open up data on plastic


On 14 August 2017 at 22:08, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:

> Am 14.08.2017 um 17:48 schrieb Ciarán Staunton:
> > ...
> >
> > I think Martín's comment is a good concern to have. However, I believe
> that
> > OSMF wants local chapters formally set up, composed of responsible groups
> > in each country to make accountable decisions about how the maps of each
> > country evolve,
> I don't believe the OSMF has ever said, or even remotely indicated,
> anything along such lines (and any implementation of such a policy is
> likely to run in to strong resistance by contributors all over OSM), a
> better way to is to think of local chapters as service and support
> organisations for the national mapping community which fits in nicely
> with the rest of your points which are completely OK.
> While I'm commenting on this thread: I suspect that any hopes of
> directly increasing contributor numbers by having a formal org are going
> to be disappointed (similar ideas have been aired by the UK chapter). It
> would be nice if I was proved wrong, but I don't believe that active
> recruitment really works (fsov of works).
> Simon
> PS: the mailing list is still refusing to accept signed mails.
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M.Sc. GIS & Remote Sensing (UCC, 2014)
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