Hi everyone,

A number of us met on Saturday to progress the plans to create a legal
entity for the OpenStreetMap community in Ireland (specifically a
non-profit CLG). We are actively developing a constitution (made up of a
Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association) to enable this to

On Saturday we had a representative from the Synergy Group present to the
group and he advised that engaging a commercial operator to develop and
file the relevant Company Registrations Office (CRO) paperwork will cost ~
€600-1000. Obviously this would need to be covered by the membership and we
felt that the current community size would make this unsustainable from the

So a request... Does anyone in the community have experience of developing
and filing CRO paperwork? Would you be willing to support getting the legal
entity across the line?

Alternatively, if you know anyone who could help (and owes you a favour),
please reach out to me directly and we'll followup.


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