
to help you to find a solution - list of all "boundary" -tags in Ireland

              boundary              | count
 administrative                     | 54964
 civil_parish                       |  2183
 barony                             |   264
 political                          |   263
 historic                           |   159
 registrars_district                |   138
 rc_parish                          |   129
 historic_parish                    |   127
 anglican_parish                    |    76
 anglican_parish_union              |    57
 historic_administrative            |    41
 poor_law_union                     |    37
 vice_county                        |    32
 protected_area                     |    28
 superintendent_registrars_district |    23
 postal_district                    |    22
 place                              |    16
 petty_sessions_district            |    12
 anglican_diocese                   |     7
 gaeltacht                          |     4
 historical_political               |     4
 esb_re_rural_area                  |     3
 national_park                      |     3
 police_district                    |     3
 civil_parish (part)                |     2
 cofi_parish                        |     1
 historic_adminstrative             |     1
 historic_political                 |     1
 landuse                            |     1
 lordship                           |     1
 maritime                           |     1
 petty-sessions                     |     1
 political_divison                  |     1
 region                             |     1

boundy=historic is used 159 times in ireland - would like to see some more.



Am 20.02.19 um 10:10 schrieb Donal Hunt:
> The proposal makes sense (Ireland has reviewed and adjusted a number of
> boundaries in the past 12 months).
> Should the approach be codified in the wiki so there are clear expectations
> on how to represent these changes over time? Adjustments are rare but will
> probably happen every 10-20 years going forward as more people migrate from
> rural areas to cities / towns.
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Admin Boundaries of the World <https://wambachers-osm.website/boundaries>
Missing Boundaries
Emergency Map <https://wambachers-osm.website/emergency>
Postal Code Map (Germany only) <https://wambachers-osm.website/plz>
Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) <https://wambachers-osm.website/fools>
Postcode Boundaries of Germany <https://wambachers-osm.website/pcoundaries>
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