Does UCD have the first edition OSI 6 inch map of Ireland (approx 1830)?

On Monday, 10 June 2019 14:50:57 IST Brian Hollinshead wrote:
> My pleasure,
> I go into the map library in UCD several times a year to meet Jane Nolan
> the librarian to discuss what is new or what is strange in mapping. Last
> summer I showed her an early version of and she was
> very impressed and delighted even!
> A few weeks ago the curator in the Irish Architectural Archive told me
> about a map of theirs from 1914 was on the UCD site and that he felt it
> would look well on and gave me permission. He also
> sent me a link to UCD. When I looked it up I saw that Jane, unknown to me,
> had put up a link to on their home page but
> attributed it to OSM. I am fine with that if it heightens visibility of OSM
> but realise that the directors should know of it and decide if they are
> happy with that.
> see
> Talk to you on Saturday.

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