> Apparently there are a lot of townland nodes left (or have they been
re-added ?):

In some cases I've added names after the townland boundary was mapped, adding 
the name can be useful to spot spelling mistakes or where the boundary was 
misinterpreted and the name does not line up with the center of the townland.

> FWIW, I do find the default osm style's "label on the boundary line"
hard to read sometime, but the double-labeled townlands caused by
towland nodes are even weirder. I'd rather solve this with code than

While I agree it makes sense at some point to remove the duplicates I also 
think that doing it now will make the map worse. I don't see the rush when 
there are still incorrect townland boundaries and nodes that are kilometres off 
where they should be.

From: moltonel 3x Combo <molto...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday 4 October 2019 18:39
To: Discussion of OpenStreetMap in Ireland <talk-ie@openstreetmap.org>
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Duplicate townland nodes

On 03/10/2019, Dave Foley <davefo...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think they should be deleted,

I've been routinely deleting townland nodes as townland relations were
being added. Just had to make sure that no information was lost, by
checking the tags.

Apparently there are a lot of townland nodes left (or have they been
re-added ?):  https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/MRH and a few hundred have
been touched this year. Top 10 editors are
  3276         "@user": "Dafo43",
    922         "@user": "PaddyMatthews",
    536         "@user": "brianboru",
     66         "@user": "mad_map",
     29         "@user": "pjna",
     24         "@user": "TOSiochain",
     17         "@user": "shiftee",
     13         "@user": "andi2911",
     11         "@user": "balorevileye",
     10         "@user": "IrlJidel",

Color me intrigued.

> it's not easy to work out townland
> names on the OSM website let alone any GPS device you might be using.

That seems like tagging for the renderer, at the expense of having
duplicate entries which might confuse for example geocoders. At least
add the node to the relation with a role=label
so deduplication is possible.

FWIW, I do find the default osm style's "label on the boundary line"
hard to read sometime, but the double-labeled townlands caused by
towland nodes are even weirder. I'd rather solve this with code than

> Then
> you also have the subtownlands which may share the name of the townland but
> be centered in a different location, they should be tagged as
> locality=subtownland but aren't always.


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