
*tilserver is undergoing maintenance. apoligies for the incovenience.*

It has said that for few days now. Is it true? Is somebody doing
maintenance? I'm willing to help if it's needed.

Thanks very much


*Donal Hunt wrote*
*Wed Sep 18 00:21:05 UTC 2019*

Hi Patrick,

I started investigating this evening and it looks like something has been
reset on the server around Sept 4. Fortunately it looks like the most
important information (IE specific configs, themes, etc) have not been lost
due to how we structured the data in the VM but it does expose the reliance
on a single server, the lack of monitoring, no central store for the
configs, designs, etc and backups.

I've reached out to a contact in TSSG to see if they have any additional
insight about may have caused the issue.
In the meantime, we'll look to restore the maps.openstreetmap.ie website in
the coming days (will be at least 48 hours and may be as late as Sunday due
to existing commitments).

If any of the folk who have login access on dev4 want to make start on
restoring the apache configs, please let me know.


On Tue, 17 Sep 2019 at 13:52, Patrick Matthews <mullinalaghta at
gmail.com <https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ie>>

>* Is the map server down at the moment? It's just giving a default Apache
*>* welcome page when you visit the URL.
*>>* Paddy.*
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