
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 9:27 PM, Subhodip Biswas
<subhodipbis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 2:45 PM, PlaneMad <theplane...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> yup a local mapserver is really needed, especially to render india specific
>> poi's. not sure if kenneth is still actively working on his server at
>> http://www.greenchilly.in/
> Not sure If local map server is needed right now or not,

yeah, having local map server is always good. the freemap.in server is
on the process of hardware upgrade. otherwise most of the rails server
setup were done back then. we will be able to do that again soon after
freemap comes online.

> "Internationalization setup for OSM web pages and map tiles" on which
> Arindam was working since previous GSoC is really needed now.

actually its' very much needed. need to update things against current
api06 branch (on rails-2.1.2). But the rails-i18n api (from rails-2.2)
and globalize2 have come up greatly. And well, tiles part is a biggie
in itself.

I got lil'bit busy last couple of weeks with final semester exams
(upto 30th april). After that, i can devote max time in osm :)



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