On Monday 23 Nov 2009 11:07:24 pm Russ Nelson wrote:
>  > But why is that Kenneth oppose participating in foss.in! Will anybody
>  > care to explain?
> Some guy called kenneth gonsalves is a bit grumpy about the management
> and structure of foss.in.  He does not believe that said management
> and structure will help advance open source in India.  My summary of
> his position: foss.in is solving the wrong problem and a correct
> solution to a wrong problem is itself a wrong solution.

totally misunderstood my stance
> But anyway, other OSMers disagree, so let's not let his grumpiness get
> in the way of running a mapping party at FOSS.in. 

some other OSMers disagree. What has grumpiness got to do with this? assuming 
for the purpose of argument that I am grumpy? 

> If you have a GPS
> receiver, please bring it.  I will bring five GPS receivers BUT BUT
> BUT three of them are only logging receivers, so you WILL need a
> digital camera.  Otherwise you will be reduced to writing down
> timestamps from your wristwatch.  :-)

would not the most appropriate place to organise this be the mailing list of 
foss.in? maybe you could do some advocacy for osm.
> And yes, I'm pasty-white.  Not gonna apologize.

no need to, it is not your fault.

Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

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