the unmetered issue is common in bangalore, chennai and delhi (that i know
of). at other places default would be metered wouldnt it? or do these places
not have auto stands? in mumbai, all autos run the meter.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <>wrote:

> On Tuesday 24 Nov 2009 2:50:25 pm Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> > On Tuesday 24 Nov 2009 2:30:41 pm PlaneMad wrote:
> > > how about this with a green indicator.
> > >
> > > so green=prepaid, no problems
> > > blue=meter
> > > red=non metered, prepare to fight :)
> > >
> > > kenneth can you post a link if it shows up on the map, id like to know
> > > how it looks
> > >
> >
> > sure - may take a day or two.
> >
> it is done on my side. Now the changes have to hit geofabrik. A reminder:
> amenity=taxi
> vehicle=autorick
> autorick=prepaid
> autorick=meter
> if neither prepaid or meter are set, the default unmetered auto will be
> shown.
> I have made the changes in the chennai central prepaid auto. In the main
> osm
> map it will be shown as a taxi stand.
> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> Senior Project Officer
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