On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 4:11 AM, Uma Ramana Rao <uma.ramana...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Arun,
>    Can you send me walking papers, I will see what I can do with them.
> Regards
> Uma

Uma, see if this is ok http://walking-papers.org/print.php?id=h4k4tvtv
otherwise you can create one yourself from http://walking-papers.org/#make

Once you take the print out, you can fill in missing details, like road
names, public utilities like police station, post boxes, banks/atms or
anything else that you would like to be added on the map.

After that you can scan the print and upload it to this
we will be able to superimpose your scan on the osm map and transfer all the
data that you marked.

Here is an example of a scan from another uploader

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