On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 8:34 PM, Arun Ganesh <arun.plane...@gmail.com>
> On a related note, if anyone in Bangalore has someone coming in from US
> can arrange for a HOLUX M241 logger, please let me know. Or does anyone
> recommend any other bluetooth data logger?

There's one available on
well! The spec says 18.5hrs of usage on single charge, extra batteries
should be easily available in SP road.

I've been using bluetooth GPS (without logger - GTop 50$) + phone (w/ linux)
+ roadmap ported on it.
Best option right now might be buying a GPS phone with inbuilt GPS (no need
to carry 2 devices) - any phone should allow nmea logging
simultaneously/synchronously recording voice/video/photos. Even better
programmable Android or linux
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