On finding India missing on excellent site:
http://www.geograph.org.uk/ , I contacted their support team. Response
is being forwarded for information and with hope someone (may be
myself) can dare to take challenge to set-up it.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Geograph <supp...@geograph.org.uk>

We dont really have the resources to extend our coverage.

But the code is open source

You can see here:
how the project was adapted for Germany

Its slightly out of date, but the idea is basically the same.

You can now instead use the Germany branch as a starting point. That
has multi-language, and also MGRS support. Looks like india fits into
4 UTM zones.

Don't misunderstand me, it wont be trivial. But it is certainly doable
with some perserverance.

We will of course offer what advice we can. And I sure Hansjörg from
Geograph germany will help answer questions.


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