On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 6:39 PM, Arun Ganesh <arun.plane...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have been trying to render maps from the osm data and the multilingual
> place names in the [name] tags has been an issue. There are all sorts of
> formats: [<latin>], [<latin> <local>], [<local> <latin>], [<latin>
> (<local>)], [<local> (<latin>)], [<local>].
> Yes, I also bumped into these issues.

> I feel for the sake of consistency, only the latin name be entered into
> the [name] tag, and the local language one in the [name:hi] or similar tag
> with the two letter language code. Otherwise the inconsistent name tags is
> just going to make processing the data cumbersome. I'm going to move the
> local names into the name: subtags, let me know if anyone has an issue with
> that. No data is going to be lost, only that the default osm tiles will
> only show the latin names. But then again its time we set up india tile
> servers for indian languages so that localization can be carried out in a
> more consistent manner.
> cheers,

Let's do this.

> --
> j.mp/ArunGanesh <http://j.mp/ArunGanesh>
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