Dear Vignesh,

It's awesome that you brought up the idea of a mapping party along
with the software freedom day celebrations.

> From what I could search on internet, just having smartphones with GPS is
> not enough and we need specific GPS receivers. If you can explain what
> specific GPS recievers are required, we can try to  arrange few of them for
> that day.

September 22 is a tough one for me. We will be in the middle of a
conference ( Here are a few pointers to get
you started with mapping:

1. The beginners' guide on the wiki is the best place to start
2. Usually, what I do is to trace out maximum details from the
satellite imagery of the area first and then go out with a GPS device
to collect missing information. Which area and how big is the
neighborhood you are intending to map? How long will the mapping party
be? We can help you structure the process a bit if you can let us know
about this.
3. There are several OpenStreetMap Editors. These tools are used to
edit the GPS data/satellite imagery and 'tag' them suitably to create
the map. Potlatch
( is the
easiest and web based tool. JOSM
( is a very
efficient offline tool.



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