Tree species or other detailed data are somewhat a niche bit of information
for what started off as road mapping software. Hence the standard renderer
does not show it, as it also does not show a lot of the other info added,
for instance population of towns, et.c. A specialised renderer would need
to be created to display such data. Maybe this can be done using a
stylesheet with some of the existing render software.

For editing purposes, as you can see at
http://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Styles there is a stylesheet for JOSM
that will display the spread of the tree, and I imagine it can also be
modified to show the name, species or other information. (It might be of
interest to read this contribution by the writer of that stylesheet -

I'm not sure what you mean by type? There is no tag shown under this name
at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dtree . Trees would
ideally be shown by their botanic name (genus and species, or taxon), at
least the genus part of it. And these should be botanically correct, e.g.
genus=Cocos. If it is not known, then the 'name' tag could be used with a
common name, e.g. name=coconut.

On 12 December 2014 at 17:02, Nagarjuna G <nagar...@gnowledge.org> wrote:
> Hi
> We are beginning a project starting 6th of Jan to map trees in Mumbai, and
> later we will spread this to other areas in the country as well.  Some
> questions regarding the preparedness of OSM for this purpose.
> 1.  when we add a tree, we also add its name etc.  however, this
> information
> does not appear. The tree dot is visible but does not have any info.  One
> has
> to go to edit interface to check the information added. How to go about
> this?
> 2.  under the type of trees, we would like to add some more types.  is this
> possible?  how to go about doing this?
> any help will be appreciated.
> --
> GN
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