
I tried to keep this off list as much as I could, but it would be improper to harangue just one person with newbie type questions. :-)

I am basically from Mumbai, but also have a certain amount of presence in a nearby hamlet called Uran (65Kms south east of Mumbai).

I checked out the map for that region on OSM and found very few details.

Given the fact that I would be spending a month there, once in every 2 months (making it around 4 months a year), I would like to invest time in helping map that region.

I have been advised to take a look at "JOSM" as an editor, but found "iD" to be a lot better for my current situation, i.e. only portable is a Google Chromebook.

I solicit advice on the GPS equipment I would need (I don't use a smartphone).

Would you be kind enough to recommend a decent, low-cost GPS unit for acquiring data which can be easily used with OSM?



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