Dear All,

Hope you all are doing great! I'm one of the members planning to
organize Mapathons across India. This website will act as a feed
displaying them. You are all invited to
be part of the initiative.

*What it is?*
Like people come out and run for miles in Marathons, here we will have a
group of volunteers mapping a place collaboratively as part of a

You can invite your friends, family members, NGOs, etc in organizing a
Mapathon. May be you can organize a Mapathon at your college/university
you had studied - this will help in mobilizing existing students with a
potential in creating a chain reaction of new mappers. We can share
mapping stories,
experiences, and achievements on the website.

*Your ideas are most welcome. We are aiming towards establishing a
culture where mapping is realized as a significant community activity
and responsibility.
Discussion Group*
We have created a group on Telegram, interested ones can join us here.

Thank you.
Srikar Arepalli

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