The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 292, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

Among others:

   - What plans for weekend? You might want to get out and know the world
   around you through field mapping, read more about how to map with field
   - Do roads have a smell? Have a look at the smelly maps and find how
   each road smells in your city...
   - Interested in being a part of the Open Data Day, look in here for the
   events taking place in your city...
   - New to JOSM? There is a guide to help you with your first steps with
   - Cities based on where people take photos, a brilliant collection of
   maps by Eric Fischer...
   - Have an interesting map to share, North American Cartographic
   Information Society invites submissions for the Atlas of Design...

Enjoy! weeklyOSM is brought to you by ...
Jinal Foflia
Talk-in mailing list

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