Hello everyone

I built a local tile server using Switch2osm tutorials. Now, I'm
trying to increase it's zoom level from 19 to 20 or 21. I edited the
renderd.conf file with numZoomLevel=20, and re-renderd this using
command renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf

But it is displaying pink tiles at zoom level 20 and if I try to set
server resolution in slippymap.html file then at all levels above 18
it shows it tiles only.
http://localhost/osm_tiles/18/186312/107428.png I doesn't move to data
in 19 zoom level. So, not stored in /osm_tiles or mod_tiles.

What should I do? I need your valuable suggestions, I'm stuck here.

Thanks & Regards

Davinder Kaur
Blog: https://lifearoundkaur.wordpress.com/

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