Hi Friends,

Craig <https://tasks.teachosm.org/user/Craig%20Dsouza>, Chiranjan (who
works at Pune Municipal Corporation under 100 Resilient Cities program) and
I <https://tasks.teachosm.org/user/Answerquest> have conducted some
sessions on OpenStreetMap in Pune, MH over the past month. One of them was
at Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, and another was at College
of Engineering Pune > Town Planning Department.

We have come across queries from people having great data, well curated and
institution-backed, that they want to contribute to OpenStreetMap. But they
do not have the resources and knowledge required to do so on their own.

We do not have experience in this, and the time we have on our side to put
into this will be limited. Looking for some resource person(s) who can
either instruct precisely (very precisely!), or take charge of and drive
the process.

After seeing through one import end-to-end we may develop more capacity to
do this on our own.

I will be attending SOTM Asia this weekend, let's meet up if you're there.
(Name: Nikhil VJ. OSM id: Answerquest. For phone num, see email signature).
Also inviting other people who want to do bulk data import, let's connect.


Some links I have read through regarding this topic:


Main OSM Wiki page on bulk imports


Has a section on imports


the imports mailing list of OSM


Table of OSM bulk imports so far.


Kerala roads import page


another wiki page of a bulk import process

Nikhil VJ
Pune, India
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