> On 5 Jan 2019, at 11:14, Morten Lange <morten...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> It would be great if paths found on ja.is maps could be freely used on 
> OpenStreetMap, and the other way around. I guess that depends on licensing 
> clauses. 

Hi Morten,

I agree, it'd be really nice to have that, but you're right to think the 
licence is too prohibitive. The map tiles are produced by Samsýn and they're 
quite strict on what we can do with them. Besides that, the tiles are projected 
using ISN 93, so using them as an OpenStreetMap layer would cause alignment 

But I can think of some ways Já could help OpenStreetMap. First, I could ask 
for Já to give OpenStreetMap explicit permission to use the Já 360 street view 
photos as a data source. Second, we have GPS coordinates from the car that 
drove around the country taking the Já 360 photos; I could ask to be able to 
publish the GPS data under a permissive licence.

If any of that sounds useful, let me know.


Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari

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